Company Profile
Company name SK8INSOLL Co., Ltd.
Established March 8, 2018
Address 4-2-28 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 2F
Capital 5 million yen
House Bank Mizuho Bank Aoyama Branch
Representative Director Yoshiko Natori
Business description
1. Planning, development, manufacturing, sales and import / export of insoles for figure skating and other sports equipment
2. Guidance and training of figure skaters and other athletes
3. Planning, production and performance of events, seminars, and e-learning related to figure skating and other sports
4. Sports business research and consulting
5. Surveys, research, and guidance for maintaining and promoting health and improving competitiveness in sports
Management goals
Maximum performance achievement by athletes through pain and injury prevention,
Providing product services incorporating cutting-edge technologies such as podiatry and sports biomechanics,
Aim to be the world's leading company
Sales performance
Sold at skating clubs and rinks in more than 20 countries, SK8INSOLL is used by skaters in more than 30 countries. Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France, Finland, Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, UAE, Qatar, Singapore, etc.
Skater achievements
Olympic champion
U.S. champion
Slovak championship winner for 5 consecutive years
German Championship Silver Medal
Italian Championship Silver Medal
Swiss Championship Junior Gold Medal
Japan Novice skater
Former Japanese Champion
Former Olympic silver medal
Former World Champion
Choreographer Olympic / World Championship
Pro skater
Numerous International adult championship winners
Multiple ISI winners
Japan Skating Federation Nobeyama Training Camp Selection Skater
Skater achievements
Olympic champion
U.S. champion
Slovak championship winner for 5 consecutive years
German Championship Silver Medal
Italian Championship Silver Medal
Swiss Championship Junior Gold Medal
Japan Novice skater
Former Japanese Champion
Former Olympic silver medal
Former World Champion
Choreographer Olympic / World Championship
Pro skater
Numerous International adult championship winners
Multiple ISI winners
Japan Skating Federation Nobeyama Training Camp Selection Skater
Now in the triple axel and quad- rotation era .
In this modern age, SK8INSOLL®︎ .
SK8INSOLL®︎ is the world leader in figure skater injury prevention and sports biomechanics.
SK8INSOLL®︎ provides the best insole for skating!
Designed for figure skating
The only insole in the world for skating only.
<Figure Skate>

Let's make a million skater success stories together!
Achieve a rate of over 50% global usage of figure skating insoles in skating.
Build intellectual property:
Invest in the development of inventions and techniques to make skate insoles, sports biomechanics products, and related services.
Develop services and products based on science and evidence:
Get product and user data on both insole and skating behavior.
Contribute to the development of figure skating by using our products to improve our own performance.
Continuously provide new technologies, treatments, and sports biomechanics training methods in the figure skating world.
Ryoko Natori
SK8INSOLL®︎ Co. Ltd. President
Figure skater
母や娘の足が心配... そんな方は迷わず一度ご連絡ください。

Gary Beacom
1984 Sarajevo Olympics Canada competitor
Figure skater and acclaimed performance artist
BSc from University of Toronto, majoring in physics and philosophy. A professional skater who is still active all over the world even now over the age of 60. Personal best for short program 102 points. He visited skate clubs around the world and held the Gary Beacom Blade Master Seminar to teach the basics of skating. In recent years, he has been mainly responsible for the development and sales of skate insoles and AI insoles in Europe and Canada.

Kaz Kudo
Insole engineer
Adult skater
Nishimachi International School Alumnus, Shinagawa Prince Skate Club. After winning the 2019 International Adult Figure Skating Championships in Lake Placid, transferred from an engineer to his current position. He studied under insole artisans in Germany, producing mainly skates, motorcycle trials, and pilot insoles.

Denise Assis PhD.
IT Engineer Doctor of Psychology
Adult skater
IT engineer, She moved to Oberstdorf, Germany from Sao Paolo, Brazil, and enjoys skating, cycling and mountain climbing in the wilderness while learning tourism. In charge of making insoles and teaching fascia release for skaters in Germany.

Nozomi Kuto
A designer from Sendai. While working on the patent and design of SK8INSOLL, her hallux valgus has improved with the AI insole method. She became graphic designer of SK8INSOLL. Her hobbies are ukulele and art.

Vakhtang Murvanidze
I start skating when I was 3 in Georgia city Tbilis.
As an amateur competitor I was 10 times Georgian national champion,at junior Olympic Games I was 2,at junior world championships I was 5,at European championships I was 7,at world championships I was 17,at Olympic Games I was 17.
As a professional figure skater I have 15 years of experience teaching seminars,choreographing and performing in shows all over the world.

Kenzo Tkahashi

Video creator

Makoto Mishina PhD.
Doctor (Human Science)
Life coach
Judo rehabilitation teacher
Japan Sports Association Certified Athletic Trainer (JSPO-AT)
Junior High School High School Teacher Class 1 License (Health and Physical Education)
FMS (Functional Movement System) Certified Trainer (Level1.Level2)
FaST (Facia Slick Technique) Certified Provider
I want to work for people. I want to help using video. With that in mind, I am working as a video creator. I am helping SK8 INSOLL®︎ by utilizing the shooting skills at the bridal site and the video editing skills for YouTuber and companies that I have cultivated over the past two years.
After studying physics, after working for an audio equipment maker and a major toy maker, he developed a driving simulator for a driving school. He went on to become a researcher in search of new educational methods. After earning his PhD, he engaged in recruitment and training of science personnel at a human resources company. He has acquired NLP professional coach qualification based on his experience in human resource development and is active as a life coach.

斎藤理絵 弁理士